Spend a little time watching this inspirational video of Derek Robertson’s presentation at the Games Based Learning 2010 conference held in London last week.
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Hi Kim, I am quite ‘green’ reading this post. I would have loved to have attended this conference and also would love to attend the conference on mtechnology coming up in October. However, I have VCE classes to teach. Hope you will blog more about what you learned. Did you go anywhere else whilst overseas.
Oops, just realised that you may not have attended but have just picked up the video. Were you either a real participant or virtual participant?
I just picked up the video – had heard lots of buzz around this event and am so glad that they are posting videos of presentations. Am as green as you are with wishing I was there – am trying to persuade my boss to go to the Handheld learning event in October. I guess we are lucky that we can watch what’s happening over there 🙁 wish i was there tho.
No not there Anne – wish i was tho
go scotland!!
Jade – 😀
Hello Ms Pericles!!!
It looks like you really wanted to go to that presentation. Plus the video at the end WOW!!!
The kids were like jumping and moving alot while the two people at the front were playing the wii. The way the kids were jumping made me feel like I wanted to jump around and get active.
By the way I visited my blog from a LONG TIME AGO in the year 2008 when I was in yr4 and wow I had aot of posts.But the sad thingis that ill never have a blog and never have you as my blogging teacher again. I wish my class had blogging an we had a special blogging teacher that is very expereinced like you to come around every week like ms Dongas does with every class but instead of doing spor we do blogging. Tha twould be AWESOME!!!
Bye Bye,
Haley Sawalha previous member of proud 2008 Allstars
I came across this site when searching for information on the Consolarium. Love this video!
I am a teacher in Ontario, Canada, recently became interested in games based learning via conversations with teachers on Twitter over the summer…now I am in the midst of submitting a grant proposal to use Mario Kart Wii in grade 2 to 5 classrooms!
Thanks for this great site. I like the links to other teachers using GBL/Wii in the classroom. It’s a very new idea here, so its nice to see how others are using it.
Julie Johnson