I Love My Library

My Library is a big sunlit space full of possibility and promise – full of students playing, exploring, finding out and testing what they already know. It is an active place: people moving around, checking on how friends are working, sharing ideas, making things, drawing, talking, filming and thinking about what to do next. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt is a IMG_4481place of challenges and of potential, a place to come to and see what new things you can add to what you already know, what new things you can make to show your learning, what new things you can OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAcreate using your imagination and an iPad or cardboard and textas.





The space itself is old-fashioned; you would recognize it immediately as a Library from your past. Yet it is also a modern place – new ways of learning, through doing and showing and sharing and thinIMG_4477king; new ways of finding out – through Google and You Tube and Pinterest and Oliver; new ways of sharing – through blogs and websites and weeblies and smores; and new ways to read – IMG_0104through paper books and websites and e-books and apps. So much of what is new is invisible when you are physically in the Library – yet it is there to read and share and comment on and belong to.

IMG_4470Perhaps because you can’t see it you don’t know it’s there. But you belong to the library and you know – you see the blog, you share your thoughts, you look at your photos, you find your friend’s work, you find a book, you click a link, you seaIMG_4820rch a question, you post your video, you watch a You Tube clip, you comment, you interact, you learn. When you belong to your library you know what it does, what it can do and what it might do for you.

IMG_4843Because we belong in my Library – the students who know what they like to do, the students who are at a loose end, the students who want to share their Lego and the students who want to share their minecraft creations, the students who are readers and the students who are learning to read, the students who look at the pictures and the students who are writing and creating stories themseIMG_0092lves. They all belong – there is a place for them all in my Library.IMG_4827


We build this library together – when you ask “Do you have…?”. “Can we …?”, “Why don’t we …?”, “How about getting some ….?”, “Are we allowed to …?”, “I need to …” it opens possibilities and allows ideas to flourish and opens up newer ideas and things to find out about. Together we make our own way, making use of what we have, imagining what we might do next and hoping for better and more interesting and more wonderful.IMG_4847

I love my Library and I will miss it.


The Azure Blue Indoor Pool at Hearst Castle

I will be using a Visible Thinking routine called Connect, Extend, Challenge to scaffold my reflection.


How were the ideas and information presented in INF506 connected to what you already knew?

I was able to connect straight into INF506 as I had a working knowledge of many of the web2.0 tools that were mentioned in Modules 1 and 2. I had enjoyed using web2.0 to grow a global network of learners as a classroom teacher and blogger. I used social networks to ask for and receive help, ideas, professional development and support as I learned alongside my students the benefits, responsibilities and joys in establishing global networks for learning.

I have always believed that school and learning is all about relationships, and I could connect with the idea that social networking is all about relationships too – relationships with customers, with colleagues, with information and with services. According to Mott (2012) it’s “the relationships you build, the ideas you share and the purpose and passion you bring” but I still needed to learn how to fully develop these relationships from an Information Professional viewpoint, but I knew that relationships were at the heart of providing essential services on behalf of Belmore South Public School (BSPS) library.



What new ideas did you get from INF506 that extended or pushed your thinking in new directions?

The idea that connecting with users was much more than a one way street, that information, opinions, viewpoints and ideas came in as well as went out from the library and its online presence extended my thinking around the use of social media in my library. That together students, staff and school could build a learning place that brings in the combined knowledge and interests of participants as well as sending out new knowledge and interests made me sit up and think carefully about the ways I had been using my library blog. In an attempt to move my established classroom blog to a Library blog, I was simply providing content about what classes had been doing. Schrier (2011) warns against using social media merely to promote content and suggests that establishing trusting relationships with users should be the priority or purpose to using social media.

Schrier goes on to list five principles to use to plan for effective social media use: listening, participation, transparency, policy and planning.  I found these principles to be a useful list to start to think more deeply about the reasons to use social media, the people to connect with, the multiple ways to link authentically with customers, the need for explicit policies and planning for an integrated, thoughtful and focused move into social media use. The simple principles enabled me to start linking the (so far) disparate parts of social media into a useful whole.

My thinking and learning as a social networker was also extended by the many varied examples of libraries already using social media as integral components of their work. In the course modules example after example was given, showing ways in which blogs, wikis, Facebook, podcasting, and Twitter were being used to inform, educate, answer and entertain library users. I found this exciting and at times overwhelming as I realized that social media and social networking, whilst seen as still quite innovative and new in schools, is embraced as the norm outside of school.

To have models of practice available as demonstrations to scaffold my learning regarding the uses of social networking within the library  disrupted my current knowledge and forced me to take on board the fact that I still did not have a deep understanding of the principles and processes that a successful librarian2.0 needed. I had been quite comfortable using web2.0 tools and apps in my classroom, but I would definitely need to step up to live up to Librarian2.0!



What is still challenging or confusing for you to get your mind around? What questions, wonderings or puzzles do you now have?

I realize that I have consistently seen the role of the library and the Teacher Librarian as one of providing services to students; neglecting to focus on the responsibility I have to the staff and school and providing for their needs as well. The challenge for me is to position the library at the centre of the learning that happens at BSPS; to move it from its current irrelevance to that of a partner in the learning and information needs of the school and staff (as well as the students).

I need to meet staff where they are, to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of social media to make our school library visible and important to the functioning of the school. I need to position myself, in my use of social media and social networks, to be able to become a librarian2.0 to fully support and enhance the learning programmes offered by my school and staff.

This session I have learnt a lot about social media, but I have learnt more about myself as a learner and a social networker and Information Professional. I have some way to go but am confident that I am developing the skills and strategies I need to get there 🙂 .




Mott, E. (2012). 7 tips to take social to the next level. In iMedia Connection. Retrieved from http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/31346.asp

Schrier, R.A. (2011). Digital librarianship & social media: The digital library as conversation facilitator, D-Lib Magazine, 17(7/8) July/August 2011. Retrieved from http://dlib.org/dlib/july11/schrier/07schrier.html


Image: ‘The Azure Blue Indoor Pool at Hearst+Castle
The Azure Blue Indoor Pool at Hearst Castle
Found on flickrcc.net



My social networking practices are in the area of professional training and development – I use Twitter and Facebook to connect with and learn from other educators around the world. I continue to build a Personal Learning Network that supports and encourages me, especially in the area of Teacher Librarianship as I am very new to this role. INF506 expanded my understanding of the role social media could play in defining my role as TL (Teacher Librarian), in providing a way to connect and a means to present and share the story of my library and learners. I still have a lot to learn about effectively using social media in the Library, but my current understandings have been heavily impacted by my participation in INF506.

Librarian 2.0 was a concept explained in detail in Module 3 and was one of the most interesting and inspiring parts of the session. A number of important concepts, theories and practices of Library2.0 were introduced in the module and collaboration, conversations, community and creation were shown as the 4c’s of Web2.0. (Hay, Wallis, O’Connell, Crease, 2013). In the blog post “Librarian2.0 Essentials” I was able to identify a number of aspects that really excite me about working with the school community to provide, share and create new learning and knowledge.

Collaborating with current and prospective customers and working with them to provide for their needs and wants is the first step in building a vital community of users, who are willing and able to share conversations around the core business of Library. With the goal of creating together new learning and understandings, the TL 2.0 needs to be ready, willing and able to source information, products and experiences that will enable and enhance the work and recreational needs and wants of the customers (in my case the students and staff).

Much of the essential knowledge, skills and attributes of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world as discussed in my blog post (“Librarian2.0 Essentials”) relate to the critical examination of various social networking tools to meet the information needs of my students. I feel that a TL2.0 must be

  • fearless and courageous – in providing information in the required formats such as blogging to inform and share and wikis to collate information,
  • be a lifelong learner – delivering the best programs and facilities for the community it serves. For example,  by  exploring game based learning and Edmodo,
  • respond positively –  and back up opinions and views with cohesive examples and research of the successful use of social tools and apps to support learning and sharing,
  •  play with change – use it as a chance to experiment and work to take advantage of new tools, apps, services and ways of approaching information collection, curation and communication.

All of these skills and attitudes result in being willing and able to effectively examine the features  and functions of  new tools and apps in order to select the best ones for the many purposes within the school. As an advocate for staff and students in the field of information literacy, I have shown, in my blog post that this is a responsibility of a Librarian2.0.

In my blog post “Participate!” I commented on a number of important new literacy skills that addressed participatory culture and how this could support the informational and collaborative needs of our students. In his paper, Jenkins (2006) puts forward eleven new skills that he recommends to educators to harness the social communities our students are already engaged with in a more educationally explicit manner.

Many social networking technologies are already being used by students out of school and whilst some of these technologies are not supported yet within schools, the idea of using social media for learning is starting to take hold and apps such as Edmodo, wikis and blogs are seen to be educationally relevant and support the informational, collaborative and safety needs of students, staff and schools.

Investigating some of the social, cultural, educational, ethical, and technical management issues that exist in a socially networked world was another important area of INF506 in which I had a lot to learn. Using the You Tube clip “Did You Know v.4” as a provocative starting point  I was able to use the scenarios it brought up to reflect on the readings I had undertaken in Module 5 in my blog post “Did You Know?”.

A number of interesting points were made by Bryson (2007, p. 125) in regards to information policies that I found to be well supported in this clip. The use of policies can be general or specific and can help to:

  • Solve a recurrent problem
  • Provide guidance in decision making
  • Ensure consistency in approach across the organization
  • Declare an intention or enable a stance to be taken on a contemporary issue
  • Clarify organizational values and intentions
  • Make a commitment
  • Grant rights or entitlements

INF506 has enabled me to reflect on my use of social media and has informed and challenged me to use social media in a deliberate and mindful manner as part of my library 2.0 toolkit.


Bryson, J. (2007). Chapter 10: Policy making. Managing information services: A transformational approach (pp/125-130). Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate e-Book. [ebook]  http://CSUAU.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=429668

Hay, L., Wallis, J., O’Connell, J., Crease, R. (2013). What is Library 2.0? [INF506 Module 3] Retrieved May 30, 2013, from Charles Sturt University website: http://interact.csu.edu.au/portal/site/INF506_201330_W_D/page/ac87941b-5bcb-45fc-80ce-be53a4c930ea

Jenkins, H., Clinton, K., Purushotma, R., Robison, A. J., & Weigel, M. (2006). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Available http://digitallearning.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0-4B89-AC9C-E807E1B0AE4E%7D/JENKINS_WHITE_PAPER.PDF

Xplanevisualthinking (2009,September 14,). Did You Know v.4[Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ILQrUrEWe8

 Image:  “chapter 8 – community building through social+networking”
chapter 8 - community building through social networking
Found on flickrcc.net



In learning about and working with social networking and social media it becomes abundantly clear that information literacies and digital literacies are of utmost importance. I had known, of course, about information literacy and digital literacy from a teaching viewpoint: I was now TL (Teacher Librarian) so had the responsibility for leading the school in teaching these literacies.

Jenkins’ paper “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century” highlights that students are already using social media as a means of connecting in social groups and puts forward eleven new skills that shift “the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement” (Jenkins, 2006, p. 4).

The new skills are:

Play the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a from of problem solving
Performance the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery 
Simulation the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes 
Appropriation the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content 
Multitasking the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details 
Distributed Cognition  the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities
Collective Intelligence  the ability  to pool knowledge and compare notes with others towards a common goal
Judgement the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources 
Transmedia Navigation  the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities
Networking the ability to search for, synthesise, and disseminate information 
Negotiation the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms


Of these skills, three are particularly relevant to a TL – Judgement, Transmedia Navigation and Networking. They relate to the location, gathering, synthesizing and presentation of information – traditionally the domain of the Information Process required of the TL.

The really interesting aspect is that students need to learn how to utilise these skills in a group and not just individually, which is the way that information skills have traditionally been approached. Because students are participating as a group, they need to be able to:

  •  Investigate the purposes, perspectives and veracity of the sources of information because information is coming from various people from various sources
  • Critically question the information gathered to order to synthesise large amounts of possibly conflicting information
  • Choose the most effective mode for purpose in the presentation of new learning
  • Be articulate in the language of and for multimodal representations
  • Use their skills to network across social communities to share and disperse their own products

My take from this paper is that students need to be working in groups solving real problems, in an on-line environment is a necessity today to ensure our students are learning with and through social networks to learn effective, efficient and ethical ways to manage their learning.



Jenkins, H., Clinton, K., Purushotma, R., Robison, A. J., & Weigel, M. (2006). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century. Available http://digitallearning.macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0-4B89-AC9C-E807E1B0AE4E%7D/JENKINS_WHITE_PAPER.PDF

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Did You Know?

We were set to watch this video as part of my Social Networking subject. I had seen it before but the associated task really got me thinking 🙂


Below are five policy issues identified in the “Did You Know” video. They are are all intriguing and complex, and I must admit to giving little thought to Information Policies and how the behaviours of the general populace impact on the need for, and development of, information policy development of organisations. Here are my very new and probably very basic thoughts:

1. More video was uploaded to You Tube in the last 2 months than if the 3 US commercial TV channels had been airing continuously since 1948.

Access to information in it’s variety of forms is rapidly changing, resulting in changing business practices, government policies and governmental control of broadcasting and news services (Dearnley and Feather, 2001 pg 85).

With global collaboration and sharing now achievable by individuals with computer access, information policy makers have wide ranging and overwhelming decisions and viewpoints to take account of: from those of multinational interests to the rights and responsibilities of governments and individuals.

The huge and unimaginable amounts of information being constructed shared and accessed globally challenges many current information policies in a myriad of ways.

2. Social networking sites (myspace, You Tube, Facebook) get, collectively,  250 million unique visitors every month. None of these sites existed 6 years ago.

Positive information policies can actually enable and encourage the uptake of new means of communication and uses of technology on a large scale, when policies acknowledge converging technologies and are able to respond to these by using and adapting regulations.

As the information needs and wants of people change and adapt to technological change, governments and global policy makers are capable of moving forward and responding positively to change. Unfortunately there is a time lag as issues are debated and settled, but this can also allow time for considered and adaptable innovations to policies that will take our new Information society forward (Deranley, 2001, pg 77).

3. 95% of songs downloaded weren’t paid for.

Information policy covers the area of copyright and the unlawful copying or use of an author’s (in this case the lyricists’ or composers’) work; as well as the intellectual property and financial investment of an individual and the right to be recompensed for the work/innovation.

In the sharing and collaborative web2.0 world copyright standards are changing to encompass creative commons – which has a number of levels of sharing, remixing and adapting work to make new works, sometimes even for commercial purposes.

4. 17% of large US companies have disciplined an employee for violating social networking policy.

This demonstrates the need for not only having an Information Policy, but in requiring staff to be aware of the policy and how it relates to them in fulfilling their job and the day to day interactions they have at work.

With social networks and social media crossing the boundaries between work and private use, companies must spell out their requirements and policies so that their social media needs are being met by individuals in their employ while the individual’s need to connect and share are not flying in the face of anyone else’s rights and responsibilities.

5. Mobile device will be the world’s primary connection tool in 2020.

The mobile nature of information is a huge jump for policy makers to understand and cater for in a considered and pre-emptive manner. Ubiquitous use of information across a variety of formats places huge demands on governments to ensure equity of access, security of information, privacy and freedom of speech.

There must be “a compromise between the rights of individuals and the needs and demands of business and the state” (Dearnley and Feather, 2001, pg 76).


Dearnley, J. & Feather, J. (2001). Information policy. In The wired world : an introduction to the theory and practice of the information society (pp. 60-93). London : Library Association.

Librarian2.0 Essentials

Librarian2.0 is not so much defined by Abrams or Harvey as described by their uses of technology. Harvey (2009, p1) frames her ideas of Librarian2.0 with tools and technologies; and Abrams lists the tools, technologies and opportunities.

Laura Cohen (2006) and Buffy J Hamilton (2010) look at Librarian2.0 as actions, attitudes and attributes that move librarians actively, thoughtfully and positively to respond to the rapid changes in expectations, requirements, technologies, communication channels and social trends in the 21st century.

Here is my list of essential knowledge, skills and attributes of an information professional in a Web 2.0 world:

Know Your Customers and be where they are – connect using social networking sites, face to face, in real time and virtually. Work to gain a deep knowledge of their interests and goals, needs and wants in order to provide and plan appropriate services.

Be Fearless and Courageous in the commitment to providing the best possible library experience for all patrons by ensuring that the highest quality information is available to the Library community in the formats needed and required.

Be a Life Long Learner – open to discovering better ways to ensure the library delivers the best programs and facilities for the community it serves. Show your desire to find out, to explore, and to keep asking questions.

Respond Positively and thoughtfully when others are not ready to embrace new ways of thinking or doing. Be prepared to back up opinions and views with cohesive examples and research to continue conversations that develop understandings and insights and community.

Play with changeuse it as a chance to experiment, test out and try new ways. Accept change, being ready and able to see the positive and work to take advantage of new tools, apps, services and ways of approaching information collection, curation and communication.

Be an Active Participant within and outside of the Library – “walking the talk”  be highly visible through the use of technology, a voice on committees, by providing innovative learning experiences and sharing the story of the Library with the community.

Be Accountable for delivering authentic assessments of the effectiveness of services and programs to patrons. Be open and transparent in the collection of data and anecdotal evidence that shows and tells the story of the library



Abram, S. (2008). Social libraries – Web 2.0, library 2.0 and librarian 2.0: Preparing for the 2.0 world. Library Resources and Technical Services, 2(2). 19-22.

Cohen, L. (2006, November 9). A librarian’s 2.0 manifesto . Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZblrRs3fkSU&feature=player_embedded  Accessed 5.5.13

Hamilton, B. J. (2010). It’s in the way that you use it: what library 2.0 means to me. In The Unquiet Librarian. Retrieved from

http://theunquietlibrarian.wordpress.com/2010/04/07/its-in-the-way-that-you-use-it-what-library-2-0-means-to-me/ Accessed 5.5.13

Harvey, M. (2009). What does it mean to be a Science Librarian 2.0? Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (Summer). DOI:10.5062/F4M906KW

Retrieved from http://www.istl.org/09-summer/article2.html

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Found on flickrcc.net

A to Z

Library 2.0 is an interesting concept that places the relationships between a library and its users in the hands of the librarian, who is charged with enabling open access to collections, services and knowledge through the thoughtful, judicious and calculated use of web2.0 applications.

My school library blog is a work in progress: moving it from a class based blog to one that demonstrates the learning that takes place in the library has been quite straight forward, but I am realizing that it will not take the place of a Library website as it is – there are changes to be made .

The post A to Z of Social Networking for Libraries (22 January, 2010) on the Social Networking for Libraries blog puts forward a number of ways that a librarian may use social media to extend the reach of the traditional library using web2.0 technologies. I will take five of the suggestions and reflect on how well (or not) these may be applied to my blog to help it embrace a Library 2.0 ethos.

“A = Active. In order for your library patrons to view you as being serious about your social networking and for it to work for you and your library, you need to use it on a regular basis.”

A timely (and time – less) problem for me at the moment. I am not posting as regularly as I could due for the most part to the fact that it is just me writing and posting with no feedback or responses AT ALL!  There is no student voice on the blog at the moment, no posts by students, no comments or interactions amongst students, no sharing of work that makes THE STUDENTS proud.

I must establish links with other libraries and classes studying similar topics to encourage sharing and commenting. I need to encourage students to write posts about what they are doing and learning, and share this with the school and wider community.

“D = Direction.  What are you planning to accomplish for your library with social networking?”

As a starting point in my Library 2.0 journey, I think that my Library blog is an effective way to form ongoing relationships with students and their families across the school. As a vehicle for sharing what is happening in the Library, the blog is great, however other essential aspects of the library such as information literacy, reference materials and reading advocacy must be available for students and families as well.

“G = Good Reads. Do your patrons need some ideas of what to read? Help them out with Good Reads.”

Now I know that Good reads have very recently been swallowed up by Amazon, but the idea of providing students with suggestions for what to read next is a good one! I know that Shelfari displays books that you are reading as a widget on your blog, but I will have to investigate if the group sharing part of the site is appropriate for primary school children.

“H = Help. Relying on only one or two people to build your library’s social networking presence will not work. It needs to be a whole team effort on behalf of your entire library staff.”

Haha – I AM the entire library staff! It is me or no-one :-0


“Z = Zeal. Is your library staff excited about the possibilities that social networking can offer your library?” 

YES! I am excited about the possibilities of social networking for my library. I follow many librarians from around the world and am inspired by the many wonderful ways they engage with students and each other as part of the everyday work going on in a school library. I am determined to work some of their magic as a TL in a Library 2.0.

Photo Attribution:
Found on flickrcc.net

Social Networking for Information Professionals – that’s me?

Personal Definition:

Social networking occurs when groups of people, who share a specific concern or interest, connect with each other to share, compare and collaborate with each to expand knowledge, understanding and learning. A community forms that enriches members through sharing, commenting, helping, feedback, advice and support.


Use of Social Network Technologies so far:

I have been using a number of social networking technologies in my role as Primary school teacher since 2006 – most of these technologies stem from the class blog and the resulting connections and collaborations made with other teachers and classes around the world. Social networking technologies have allowed me (and my students) to feel as if we are learning for real purposes and in real or authentic ways.

Social networking has resulted in meeting other teachers and educational professionals from around the world – both in each other’s classrooms and at conferences and in homes. The feelings of being a part of a community, and the responsibilities that entails made the learning that was happening (both for myself professionally and for the students in my classroom) vitally important, meaningful and bigger than just attending school.

Some of the social networking sites I currently use are:

  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Picassa
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin

It is interesting to note that it is difficult to separate them into work, personal or study groups as they overlap so much.

Now in my second year as a Teacher Librarian I want to learn how to use social networking technologies to:

  •  Expand the opportunities of students across the school – to demonstrate and use social networking technologies to connect with information: experts, peers, an audience and collaborators for their learning.
  • Support teaches in their use of these technologies for personal professional development and classroom use (to flatten walls and connect to the “outside” world).
  • Harness the powers of these technologies to enhance the usefulness and authenticity of the school library in its role of providing information and recreational services to the school.

Expectations of INF506:

I expect to transfer or transform what I know about social networks and social media into a basis for pedagogically sound, innovative and authentic uses in the school library setting.

I expect to see best practice libraries and the uses they have for social media.

I expect to become far more knowledgeable on the legalities and technicalities of using social media and social networks across a whole school setting.

I expect to build a Professional Learning Network of informational professionals who can guide, support and who I can learn alongside of.

I expect to learn and think and collaborate and question and do!

Image: ‘Jump on the social media bandwagon‘ By Matt Hamm

Looking, seeing, visioning

I am currently procrastinating on an assignment that asks me to articulate a vision for my school library. It is a pretty exciting assignment because I am gathering (far too much) information on what a library can be, what it can provide and how it can position itself as the hub of the school.

I have pages of quotes and examples of what I want my library to be and this is the reason I am procrastinating – how to meld all of the ideas, suggestions and scenarios into a succinct, cohesive and do-able vision for the next three years.

As a very new TL in training (I still haven’t been in the library for a full year yet or completed my TL course) I am finding it a tad overwhelming trying to sort out and deal with the number of roles the literature expects me to fulfill.

I am beginning to see, however, that this assignment is helping me to pare down these expectations and take hold of the aspects that are important for the students and school community at my school in the next little while. This is a great chance for me to really focus in on the roles and functions that I can best undertake to move us from where we are now.

It doesn’t matter what we should have been doing, where we should have been working, how we should have been learning – we have the power and the ability to move forward confidently in a way that is authentic and purposeful and relevant to US.

This is truly exhilarating and scary as well. Yet, through the structuring and direction of my learning so far, I know that I can do this, I have to do this, it is my responsibility to do this – with the strategies and skills I am developing as I am learning.

Articulating my vision will help to tie up the many stems of my learning: it will enable me to really develop learning experiences around what is important, it will help me to provide learning opportunities for all students and it will  enable me to collect evidence that supports and celebrates the learning occurring throughout the library and school.

If I could just finish this assignment and start putting it all into action …….


Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/52193570@N04/5774680570